Messengers Circle

The Messengers Circle is a network of sites that are about Spirituality, the Spirit World and Connecting with the Spirit World.


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Blessed Be, Rachel
Friday, March 11, 2011

Vision-March 11, 2011-World Events

Saints & Angels Oracle Deck by Doreen Virtue Ph. D

Vision-Guardian Angel

The card of the day is the Vision card. It is one of the Guardian Angels cards in this deck.

To me this is a very good message for what is happening globally. The angels are telling us to see from others perspectives. We should honor the perspective whether we agree with it or not. This card also tells us to look within ourselves for we have the answer to the problems that we face. These solutions may not be typical, but new and inventive. We are being to have a vision of a future that we would like to bring about. Keep that vision of peace and cooperation for it can happen and it only takes one person at a time to bring this into being.

We are seeing much unrest at this time and many devastating earth events such as the great earthquake in Japan this morning. Many of you have been feeling, seeing, knowing, and hearing guidance to the events that are occurring. Continue to bring peace into your life and keep that vision for it will become contagious. You will infect others with your positive attitude and they in turn will effect others and the chain of change has started.

This is a wonderful card of hope and peace. It is also a reminder for us to see the other persons point of view.

Angel Therapy-March 11, 2011

Archangels Oracle Deck by Doreen Virtue Ph.D

Angel Therapy-Archangel Raphael

“Give your cares and worries to us angels, and allow us to take your burdens.”

The card of the day is Angel Therapy. I would say this is quite appropriate for what’s going on in our world at this time. We are very much in need of some comfort from the angels. Archangel Raphael is letting us know that it’s okay to give our worries to them. Right now there are many things going on globally, and locally that have us worried. Raphael is offer to us to take these burdens from us so that we may feel a sense of peace. Right now we need the loving assistance of the angels. Ask them to help ease your mind and also ask them to help with the situations around the world. They want to help us grow and they offer us loving assistance as we walk the path of being humans. This is an opportunity to not only heal ourselves and our worries, but also heal the world. This is Raphael’s message to us. There is always hope, and remembering that there is hope will help us to heal our minds, bodies and spirits.

Raphael is the main healing archangel. Call on him anytime you need to heal your body, mind, spirit, or situation.

His color is Emerald Green.

If you need healing call on him and visualize an emerald green light surrounding you and flowing through you. You will feel his healing energy.