Messengers Circle

The Messengers Circle is a network of sites that are about Spirituality, the Spirit World and Connecting with the Spirit World.


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Blessed Be, Rachel
Sunday, March 13, 2011

You Can Do It!-March 13, 2011

Ascended Masters Oracle Deck by Doreen Virtue

You Can Do It!-Archangel Michael

The card of the day is You Can Do It! To me this card is the card that says you are ready. Archangel Michael is saying that today is a good day to get things going and take action. Take care of the things that need to be done and take the steps necessary to see your life’s purpose fulfilled. Archangel Michael is saying that you are more ready than you think and don’t let perfectionism and procrastination stand in your way. If you have put off things in the past today is a good day to get them done. If you need to break down your tasks and goals into small steps to help you not get overwhelmed. You are a wonderful and capable being, so release your fears and worries.

Take time to tell yourself that You Can Do what you need to do. Give you concerns to God, Archangel Michael or whoever you feel a connection with for they are here to help you.