Messengers Circle

The Messengers Circle is a network of sites that are about Spirituality, the Spirit World and Connecting with the Spirit World.


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Blessed Be, Rachel
Saturday, March 12, 2011

Earth Quake Reading-March 12, 2011

What the Cards say about the Earth Quakes and Tsunami.
March 12, 2011

Archangel Oracle Deck by Doreen Virtue Ph.D

Archangel Raguel
“Notice your recurring physical and emotional feelings, as they signify Divine guidance.”
Everyone has been feeling the unrest of the world and the angels are saying that this is the reason for such a great quake. We have forgotten that the earth is a being as well and she feels everything that is going on. She is reminding us to be conscious of our feelings, thoughts, and actions.

Archangel Azrael
“You are a natural counselor, and many people benefit from your guidance and reassurance.”
Those who are leadership roles have dropped the ball so to speak. They are supposed to be great counselors and advisors, but that is not the case. They have not been doing the things they need to do in order to help the population of the earth and help the earth herself. We have not been working together to solve the worlds problems.

Relationship Harmony
Archangel Raguel
“We angels are opening the hearts of everyone involved. Arguments and conflicts are being resolved now.”
To help the situation we need to come together and put our differences aside and acknowledge one another. The angels are able to help us we just need to ask them to help us. They say that through the cooperation of earth we can help the situation. They are also asking us to help ourselves, meaning to send aid to the areas devastated by the quake and tsunamis.

You Know What to Do
Archangel Uriel
“Trust your inner knowledge, and act upon it without delay.”
We know what we need to do to help not only those who were/are directly affected by the quakes and tsunamis, but we also know how to help ourselves. Trust you inner knowingness. If you feel called to send money so be it, if you feel the need to pray then go for it. You will know what to do.

Overall Message:
It seems that we have created the tension in the earth that needed to be released. We have taken the earth for granted and squandered her resources. There is silver lining to this devastating event. We have the opportunity to put our disagreements aside and help each other. By doing this we will gain much compassion for not only ourselves, but also the earth. Reach out and help in whatever way you feel called to help. Your efforts however great or small will be needed and appreciated.

Peaceful-March 12, 2011

Saints & Angels Oracle Deck by Doreen Virtue Ph.D

Peaceful-Holy Spirit

The card of the day is Peaceful. The Holy Spirit asks us to find peace within ourselves and peaceful solutions to situations that may arise today. By finding peace you will also find balance. Forgive those who may have hurt you and by doing so you will find great peace of mind. Forgiveness is letting go of the anger and the burden of carrying that anger and pain. When you release it and give it up to the Divine you will feel a great weight lifted from you. Trust and know that by letting the light of the Divine into your being peace, love and warmth will come into your being and it will remind you of the Divine creation/creator that you truly are. By letting in peace we let in the light of the Divine. We allow it the opportunity to manifest in us the brilliance of our Divinity. You are a peaceful, loving being who can make a difference.

Take a few moments out of your day to sit peacefully and enjoy the expanded serenity that will wash over you. Release your worries to the Divine for the Divine wishes for you to be at Peace. If you can sit in a park or outdoors. Listen to the music of the birds or the whisper of the wind for you will find serenity in your heart. This will help you to balance out anything thing that has been on your mind and you will have clarity.