Messengers Circle

The Messengers Circle is a network of sites that are about Spirituality, the Spirit World and Connecting with the Spirit World.


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Blessed Be, Rachel
Monday, March 14, 2011

Weekly Reading-March 14-20, 2011

downsized_0314011257Healing with Angels Oracle Deck by Doreen Virtue Ph.d


Support/Manifestation/Spiritual Growth


Beginning of the Week/Theme-Support

“God, the Angels, and the Ascended Masters who love, protect, and guide you are watching over you right now. You are not along, and you are safe!”

This card is saying that look for support. It is also saying that you have the support of your guides, angels and other spirit helpers. Look to your spiritual helpers for support and assistance because you are not alone. You have a team of helpers that are there waiting for you to ask them for help. They are eager to assist you in your endeavors. Listen to that still small voice that is whispering the guidance that you need.

You are supported.


Middle of the Week/Advice-Manifestation

“You have manifested new opportunities and abundance. Know that you can experience these gifts right now!”

This card is saying that be open to the new opportunities that have been manifested. If you are having troubles keeping the faith about what you desire, then ask the angels to help you. The new opportunities are around the corner. The opportunities may not be exactly how you envisioned them, however, remember that these opportunities where created by you and your loving helpers.


Keep the faith.


End of the Week/Outcome-Spiritual Growth

“You are going through a time of rapid spiritual growth. Enjoy the process!”

This card is saying that enjoy the ride of your spiritual understanding. Through new opportunities you will not only grow in understanding, but also grow in spirit. Surrender any fears to God and the angels for this is a progressive time. Trust in what is happening and know that this is a part of your path. This is also a good time to learn and study those things that will progress your spirit.


Enjoy the ride.


Overall Message


It looks like there are going to be new opportunities for spiritual growth this week. You spiritual helpers are saying that do not worry because you are fully supported and you always have help. The things that you have focused on are manifesting.


So have fun and enjoy the ride because if you look at things with a light hearted attitude things will flow much more smoothly. Allow yourself to feel and know that the support you need is there waiting for you to ask for help.

Persistence-March 14, 2011

Ascended Masters Oracle Deck by Doreen Virtue Ph.D


The card of the day is Persistence. If you have set goals, projects, etc Lugh is telling us to keep at it. With persistence and perseverance we can accomplish the things we wish to complete. It also means to keep up the good work with whatever you are doing mentally, physically and spiritually. This is not the time to give up and throw in the towel. Your efforts will pay off. To me this is a positive message to keep moving forward. Keep the faith and don't allow procrastination to take over. This is not the time to give in. Commit to you dream, promises and priorities. You will reap what you have sown.

Lugh is the Celtic Sun God of harvest.

Today is good day to clarify what your goals are and it's a good time to plan out the steps to achieve your goals.